
Fertilaid For Women

Original price was: ₦38,000.00.Current price is: ₦35,000.00.



FertilAid for Women is a prenatal supplement  with key vitamins and minerals – Vitamin D, Folate, Iron, and Iodine – that are important to have on board to support your reproductive health and pregnancy wellness. It is formulated with essential vitamins and minerals, including Vitamin D, Folate, Iron, and Iodine, which play crucial roles in fertility, conception, and maintaining a healthy pregnancy.


FertilAid for Women is a comprehensive dietary supplement that aims to provide essential nutrients necessary for reproductive health and pregnancy support. It combines a range of vitamins, minerals, and herbal extracts, all of which have been carefully selected to optimize fertility and promote overall reproductive well-being.


By incorporating FertilAid for Women into your daily routine, you can expect several potential benefits for your reproductive health and pregnancy wellness:
1.  Enhanced Fertility: The combination of key vitamins and minerals, along with the herbal extracts in FertilAid for Women, helps support hormonal balance, regular ovulation, and healthy reproductive function, thus increasing the chances of conception.
2.   Improved Pregnancy Outcomes: The adequate intake of essential nutrients, such as Vitamin D, Folate, Iron, and Iodine, helps reduce the risk of pregnancy complications and promotes the healthy development of the baby.
3.   Hormonal Balance: The herbal extracts in Fertilaid for Women, particularly Vitex agnus-castus, have been traditionally used to support hormonal balance, regulate menstrual cycles, and alleviate symptoms of hormonal imbalances, such as irregular periods or premenstrual syndrome (PMS).
4. Nutritional Support: FertilAid for Women ensures that your body receives a comprehensive range of vitamins and minerals that are crucial for reproductive health and overall well-being, supplementing any potential nutritional gaps in your diet.


•   Vitamin D: This is a vital nutrient that plays a crucial role in women’s reproductive health. It has been associated with increased fertility, healthy ovulation, and overall reproductive success. Insufficient levels of Vitamin D have been linked to fertility issues, such as irregular menstrual cycles and decreased implantation rates.
Furthermore, Vitamin D deficiency has been linked to an increased risk of pregnancy complications, including gestational diabetes, preeclampsia, and preterm birth. By including an adequate amount of Vitamin D in FertilAid for Women, the supplement helps ensure that women have optimal levels of this essential nutrient to support their reproductive system.
•   Folate:  Also known as Vitamin B9, folate is an essential nutrient that plays a vital role in cell division and DNA synthesis. Adequate folate intake before and during pregnancy is crucial for the prevention of neural tube defects, such as spina bifida, in the developing fetus. FertilAid for Women includes the recommended amount of folate to help support a healthy pregnancy and reduce the risk of neural tube defects.
•   Iron: Iron is a key mineral involved in the production of red blood cells and the transportation of oxygen throughout the body. During pregnancy, the body’s iron requirements increase significantly to support the growth and development of the fetus. Iron deficiency during pregnancy can lead to anemia, which can have adverse effects on both the mother and the baby.
FertilAid for Women includes an appropriate amount of iron to help meet the increased demands during pregnancy and prevent iron deficiency anemia. Adequate iron intake supports the production of healthy red blood cells, reduces the risk of complications, and ensures optimal oxygen supply to the developing fetus.
•   Iodine:  Iodine is an essential mineral that plays a critical role in thyroid function and overall reproductive health. The thyroid gland produces hormones that regulate metabolism, growth, and development. Adequate iodine intake is particularly important during pregnancy, as the developing baby relies on the mother’s thyroid hormones for its own growth and brain development.
FertilAid for Women incorporates iodine to support optimal thyroid function and promote healthy reproductive outcomes. Adequate iodine levels are essential for the development of the baby’s nervous system, cognitive function, and overall growth.
Other Key Ingredients;
In addition to the key vitamins and minerals mentioned above, FertilAid for Women also contains a blend of herbal extracts known for their reproductive health benefits. These include Vitex agnus-castus (chasteberry), red clover blossom, and green tea leaf extract. These botanicals have long been used to support hormonal balance, menstrual cycle regularity, and overall reproductive wellness.


FertilAid for Women is typically taken daily, preferably with meals, to ensure optimal absorption of the nutrients. It is recommended to start taking FertilAid for Women at least three months before attempting to conceive, as it takes time for the body to build up nutrient reserves. However, it can also be started at any time during the menstrual cycle or during pregnancy.
It is important to note that FertilAid for Women is a dietary supplement and should not replace a balanced diet or medical advice. It is intended to complement a healthy lifestyle and provide additional support for reproductive health.


As a dietary supplement, take 3 capsules daily. Begin taking immediately and take continuously throughout your cycle. Discontinue use once pregnancy has been confirmed.


FertilAid for Women is generally considered safe for most women when used as directed. However, it is important to be aware of potential side effects or interactions. Some individuals may experience mild digestive discomfort, such as nausea or upset stomach, when starting a new supplement. If any adverse effects occur, it is recommended to discontinue use and consult a healthcare professional.
As with any supplement, it is essential to follow the recommended dosage instructions and not exceed the recommended daily intake. Taking excessive amounts of certain vitamins and minerals can be harmful and may cause adverse effects. If you are taking any other medications or have any pre-existing medical conditions, it is crucial to consult with a healthcare professional before starting FertilAid for Women to ensure its compatibility with your current regimen.


FertilAid for Women is a popular fertility supplement that contains various herbs and nutrients aimed at promoting hormonal balance and cycle regularity. It includes ingredients like Vitex and Red Clover Blossom, which are believed to support reproductive health and menstrual cycle regulation.
While some women may find these supplements helpful in supporting their fertility, it’s important to note that individual results may vary, but With more frequent, predictable cycles you will ovulate more often and you will be able to calculate ovulation more accurately so that you can be sure to have sex when you are fertile.


FertilAid for Women is typically recommended to be taken daily, throughout the entire menstrual cycle, including during menstruation. The purpose of this supplement is to provide the body with essential nutrients and herbs that support hormonal balance and reproductive health. Taking it consistently throughout the cycle can help ensure that your body receives the necessary nutrients during all stages of the menstrual cycle.


You can buy this product online at Kindystores.


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FertilAid for Women is a prenatal vitamin that provides essential nutrients to support reproductive health and pregnancy wellness. With its combination of key vitamins and minerals like Vitamin D, Folate, Iron, and Iodine, along with herbal extracts, FertilAid for Women aims to optimize fertility, promote hormonal balance, and ensure adequate nutrient intake during pregnancy.
While FertilAid for Women can be a beneficial addition to your reproductive health regimen, it is important to remember that individual results may vary. It is always advisable to consult with a healthcare professional for personalized advice and guidance on optimizing your reproductive health journey.
By prioritizing your reproductive health and taking steps to ensure proper nutrition, you can enhance your chances of conception, support a healthy pregnancy, and ultimately increase your overall well-being as you embark on the journey of starting or expanding your family.

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Weight 0.5 kg

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