




Memobrain+ is a supplement for boosting the Brain and Cognitive Health. It is also known to boost memory recall, boost brain cells and energy, gets rid of forgetfulness and clears seizure.

The Brain is a powerful organ in the body and its proper functioning should be maintained. Brain health is the state of brain functioning across cognitive, sensory, social-emotional, behavioral and motor domains, allowing a person to realize their full potential over the life course, irrespective of the presence or absence of disorders.

Health Benefits of Memobrain+

  • It reduces stress.
  • Fuels your brain for optimal performance.
  • Improves alertness, performance, focus and concentration.
  • Fights anxiety and depression.
  • Gets rid of Parkinson Disease, Dementia, Alzheimer and Memory loss.
  • Fights cerebral ischemia and cerebral palsy.
  • Boosts brain cells and energy.
  • Repair damaged tissues and support optimal brain function.
  • Increase brain energy.
  • Improve mental alertness and attention span to concentrate on tasks for long periods of time.
  • Improve cerebral blood flow, which increases the supply of oxygenated blood to the brain.

Active Ingredient of Memobrain+

  • Panax quinquefolius, L also known as American Ginseng is a perennial  herbaceous plant commonly used in traditional Chinese medicine. It is effective for memory improvement, and in the direct prevention of degenerative brain diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease. It is also used to enhance longevity and alleviate fatigue.

Recommended Dosage of  Memobrain+

  • Each package contains 30capsules.
  • Adhere to the dose recommended by your Doctor.


  • Keep product out of reach of children.
  • Pregnant women and Nursing mothers should seek the advice of their healthcare provider before taking this drug.

What is the Price of Memobrain+ in Nigeria

The best and affordable price of this product is available at Kindy Stores.

Where to buy Memobrain+

This product is available at Kindy Stores. Please check the price tag on the product.

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