
Samsu Oil: Quick Ejaculation Treatment Oil

Original price was: ₦10,500.00.Current price is: ₦9,500.00.


Samsu oil is a herbal oil formulated to address the issue of premature ejaculation and promote sexual performance in men. This product is made in Indonesia and with 100 percent natural ingredients.
This herbal oil does not contain chemical, so it is very safe for use as it does not bring harm to health.
This product is very effective in reducing the level of sensitivity in the nerves around and in the penis, it can also help with premature ejaculation and make sex more satisfactory and enjoyable.
Apart from helping with premature ejaculation and making sex enjoyable, it also increases sex time to 40 minutes.

Why Do People Need Samsu Oil?

You may ask yourself why this product is used or needed by men. One of the factors needed in a relationship is sexual satisfaction and this is lacking in many relationships.
This product is made to help men who do not last longer in bed or cannot satisfy their partners in bed.
Some of these men do not like taking herbs, so the oil does the work of addressing sexual issues without requirements like oral consumption.
A good sex can make your partner love you more without being frustrated anytime it is time for sex or intimate moments.

What are the Benefits of Samsu Oil?

There are many benefits of using Samsu oil to treat premature ejaculation and increase enjoyment during sex.
These benefits include:
  1. It is made with 100 percent natural ingredients, there is no chemical or harsh ingredients in this product.
  2. Samsu oil is only meant to be used on the skin so there is no risk of harming your kidney or liver.
  3. It can boost sexual energy
  4.  There is little or no side effects especially if you follow the instructions and precautions.
  5. There is no consequences if you discontinue using the product. You can stop using Samsu oil when your sex life has changed positively.
  6. There is no bad smell associated with this product so you can use it anytime of the day without having to worry about the smell.
  7. You do not have to use the oil consistently to get results as using the oil once can give you results which will last for three days.

 Samsu Oil Ingredients

There ingredients in Samsu Oil are:

Zingiberis Rhizoma Extracts

Samsu oil contains 20 percent of this ingredient. Zingiberis Rhizoma is a popular plantbused in traditional Chinese medicine and mostly used in treating vomiting, colds, and cough caused by weather.
Pharmacological studies carried out on this plant have shown that Zingiberis Rhizoma have effects on the nervous system.

Myicroetices Semen

There is about 10 percent of Myicroetices semen in Samsu oil. This ingredient has aphrodisiac properties and it works by stimulating the parasympathetic nervous system thereby widening the blood vessels and causing erections. It can also increase strength during sexual activities and relax the nerves.

How Does Samsu Oil Work?

It helps men to gain back their confidence during sex by helping them be in charge of when to release or ejaculate. It works by decreasing the level of sensitivity in and around the penis, this relaxation relieves the symptoms of premature ejaculation and increase time used for sex.

Dosage and How To Use Samsu Oil

To get the best results from this product, you need to know how to use the oil. Using the oil in an incorrect way can lead to little or no results and even side effects in some cases. The steps for using Samsu oil are:
  •  Open the bottle by turning the cap around the tips of your fingers
  •  Make sure the oil is coming out, you can check this by placing about 2 drops on a surface.
  •  When you are sure the oil has started coming out, place like 4 drops on a clean flat surface; a plastic surface is     preferable.
  •  Apply the oil from the surface to the cap of your penis, make sure it gets around and under your shaft and rod.
  •  Stroke other parts of your penile area but do not include the scrotum or scrotal sac.
  •  Allow the oil to stay for like 4 seconds to dry off completely before you wear your clothes.
  •  After 15 minutes, wash off to reduce the tingling sensation that comes with application of the oil.
  •  Washing off the oil after 15 minutes does not reduce the efficacy or give you lesser results.
  • Samsu oil works better if you wait for a longer time after application before having sex.
  • The minimum time to wait before sex is between 30 minutes to 2 hours but if you can use the oil and wait for 3 to 4 hours before having sex, the results will be greater.
You should note that this oil does not treat other diseases unless indicated by the manufacturer. Do not allow this oil to touch your mouth or other parts of your body unless the penile area.

 Samsu Oil Side Effects

There are some side effects of this product especially if you do not follow the instructions and precautions.
Some of the side effects are:
  1. Using the oil in excess or too much can cause serious burning sensation that makes you feel like you used hot balm on your skin. The degree of hotness increases as you apply more oil. The solution to this is to stick to the recommended dose and steps.
  2. Too much application of the oil can numb the penile area thereby preventing ejaculation.
  3. Using Samsu oil for a long time can lead to addiction. Remember it is not meant to be used daily.

How Long Does Samsu Oil Last?

Samsu oil is one herbal product that does not need you to use it everyday in order to get results. A one time application of the oil will give you results that can last for 3 days. This means you should only reapply the oil when it is necessary to avoid addiction.

Samsu Oil Original And Fake

It may surprise you to know that there is a fake version of Samsu oil, this is common in any popular product. The problem lies on being able to identify the original oil from the counterfeit or fake oil.
One way to avoid buying fake of this product is to order from official website some offline stores can sell original but the fake Samsu oil is more.
Here are some ways to identify fake Samsu oil from the original:
  1. The spellings are different. While the original this product is spelt as “Samsu oil”, the fake is called “Samsu super oil”.
  2. The box and packaging looks different. The images, designs and colour are not the same.
  3. The original version of Samsu oil comes with an instructions manual that helps users understand better how to use the product.
  4. The fake Samsu oil is very cheap compared to the original.
  5. Using the fake Samsu oil can cause effects like bruising and inflammation of your penis. The original only causes tingling sensation that stops when you wash off after 15 minutes.
  6. The original Samsu oil has a sparkling color and the bottle is not filled to the brim.

Samsu Oil Reviews

There are reviews on many online stores that sell Samsu oil, these reviews are from men who have used this product. Most of the reviews are positive as many claimed they like this oil and it is very effective.
One of the review reported there is no adverse effects if you use Samsu oil without having sexual intercourse afterwards, this is uncommon as most sexual products require their users to engage in sexual activities or experience side effects.
There are few negative reviews and they are from users who claimed the product did not increase the size of their penis.
This is not classified as bad reviews as the manufacturers did not claim Samsu oil can increase the length or girth of the penis.
Samsu oil is only used to relax the nerves of the penis thereby reducing premature ejaculation and making sex enjoyable.

Where to Buy Samsu Oil

You can get it online from Kindy Stores anywhere you are in the world.


Samsu oil is a herbal oil used to treat premature ejaculation and increase pleasure during sexual intercourse. It is made with natural ingredients so it is very safe.
There is fake and original Samsu oil, try to know the differences between both to avoid having adverse effects after use. Also, use the oil according to the instructions and dosage.

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