Does Bitter Leaf Help Sexually
Does Bitter leaf Help Sexually and how? Bitter leaf (Verononia amygalina) is a member of the diasy family, is a small shrub native to tropical Africa. It typically grows to a height of 2-5m.the leaves are elliphical and up to 20cm long and its bark is rough.
Bitter leaf is known by several names throughout Africa; Congo bologo in the Democratic Republic of Congo,ewuro among the yorubas, etidots among the efiks, onugnu among the igbos, ifyuna among the Tivs,shuwaka among the hausas,oriwo among the Edos ,owonwono among the akans of Ghana,mululuza among the Lugandas of Kenya olusa among the Lous of kenya and ndoleh among the Cameron.
Largely, its leaves are stable vegetables and soups and stews of various cultures throughout Africa, its medicinal values are also well established among same cultures of these values. Its effects on parasitic infestation are most established.
However, it is generally referred to as bitterly because of its bitter taste which is due to anti-nutritional factors such as alkaloid, sapoons, tannis and glycosides.
Although, this plant has been around for years only few people knows the medicinal purposes. It contains alot of useful nutrients such as alkaloid, anthroquonones,arbosic acid, calcium, chloroquenoid, copper,coumanis, essential oils, flavonoids, folic acid ,irons,liganins, minerals,myricentum, phenolic acid,vitamins.
The vitamin compositions include vitamin A, vitamin c, vitamin E, vitamin B1 and vitamin B2
For the purposes of this discussion the role of bitter leaf on sexuality would be considered.
Does Bitter Leaf Help Sexually
Due to the special circumstances tertiary institutions and other research institution in Africa, the effect of bitter leaf on sexuality is a subject matter that experience the depth of experimental knowledge. Most notions and knowledge of the actions of bitter leaf are sourced by medicinal website, local herbal healers and from family members especially the elderly.
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Experiment to proof that Bitter Leaf Helps Sexually
In 2019, alkaloid extract from bitterleaf and black nightshades were found to inhibit phosphodiesterase-5, organise activities and oxidative stress in rats penile tissues. For the assays on phosphodiesterace-5 inhibitions, three male wister albino rats weighing between 200 -250g were sacrificed.
The pinile tissues were removed and washed twice in 0.1m Tris-HCl which contained 1mm of calcium chloride(CaCl2) and 500 mm of sodium chloride(NaCl)at a pH of 8.0. The tissue was stored in a firm glassware and placed on ice crystals.
The tissues were made to undergo homogenization and then centrifuged, this was done to obtain the supernatant which was assayed in vitro via kelly and Butler method.
A reaction mixture containing 5mm p-nitrophenyl phenylephosphate,10 ml of enzyme,20mm of Tris buffer at 8.0 PH, and the extract was incubated for 10 minutes .
The intensity of nitrophenol produced was measured as changed in absorbance after 5 mins at 400mm using a UV visible spectrometre.
In order to ensure accuracy, a control experiment was also performed without the test sample and effective alkaloid extract concentration eliciting PDE – 5 inhibotory activity was expressed as percentage inhibitation.
What does result mean? PDE-5 is a vital enzyme in NO/CGPM signal pathway. It degrades CGMP tro 5’CGPM.This works to prevent the much needed penile erection needed for penetrative sex.
Results of the Experiments and Overall Benefits of Bitter leaf on Sexuality
Bitter leaves ability to inhibit PDE-5 means that CGPM is not broken down and erection is improved, and so yes, bitter leaf does help men sexually by improving erectile function.
The used of bitterleaf could be generally found in the cure and maintenance of postrate cancers in men who are above forty years in age. Postrate cancer has a symptom 0f painful and difficult urination. Bitterleaf is very helpful for this ailment as it increases the flow of urine and reduction of pains as well as regulates the spread around the cells of the body.
Bitterleaf helps in the reduction of oestrogen level in the blood. High level of estrogen in the blood prevents ovulation thereby causing infertility. Research has shown that high level sugar is one major causes of infertility in men. Therefore, the use of bitterleaf helps in cleansing the body and aids reproduction.
Bitterleaf(Verononia amygalina) helps to creates feelings of happiness which can increase a man desire to prolong sex.
Most interestingly, the bitterleaf cures fibriod in women as it helps in the cleansing of human body.
Bitterleaf could be found helpful sexually as it controls the synthesis of female hormones due to the presence of nutrients such as B-carotene which allows women stay active, young, healthy for a longer period.It prevents the toxification of immuglobin that fights an important femalr sex disease known as genital herpes.
Bitterleaf juice also increases sperm count in men with low sperm count (ozoosperminium and oligospermia).
It thickens watery sperm as well as it improves erection.
According to Dr.Grace a renowned nutritionist, bitterleaf aid in the improvement of the reproductive systems, balance hormones and helps the ovary to release heathy eggs for reprocreation.
Many may wonder how to preserve the bitterleaf juice for a longer time,it is however worthy to note that addition of honey helps in the preservation of the solution.
Though, the extracts stored for more than twenty four hours looses the bitterness but the efficacy remains the same.
In conclusion, based on the experiments and research we could say in this article that bitterleaf does help sexually.