Health Benefits of Ginger you need to know


Health Benefits of Ginger and more! In this article, you will learn what the health benefits of ginger are and many other functions of ginger. Ginger is one of the popular plants.  It has a curvy body, rough texture and a brown rhizome which is edible and mostly used as spice etc.

It has a pale – yellow center; the leaf of ginger has a linear arrangement on its stem attached to the ground shoot. Ginger is one of the herbaceous plants.  It belongs to the family of plants called Zingiberaceae and the scientific name for ginger is Zingiber officinale. Ginger is believed to have it origin in Southeast Asia.

The part of the ginger that is usually eaten or used is called the rhizome. In this part of the world, ginger is mostly used as spice. The remaining part of ginger that is usually thrown away after the liquid content has been extracted. This remaining part can be used as animal feed.

Various name have been given to this wonderful spice which are; true ginger, garden ginger or root ginger, stem ginger.

Ginger has been widely used for various purpose because of it various health benefits. The health benefits of ginger provides substitutes for medically produced drugs. It is necessary to note these benefits and apply them.

Ginger is portable and can be carried about. The vital part of ginger which is mostly required is the liquid which can be extracted by grinding it or blending it, and then sieving it. Another vital part of ginger that makes people to easily get attracted to it is the pungent smell.

How is Ginger Cultivated?

Ginger is a perennial crop i.e it cannot be cultivated in areas where there is high degree of rainfall or where the soil absorbs much water. The part of ginger that is usually planted is the section of the rhizome that is the body which has the shoot from which it will germinate from.

The rhizome should be cut into smaller portions which carries the shoot. The smaller portion of the rhizome should be stored in a nursery before taking to the permanent place for planting.

The newly germinated flower should be planted on a bed. In the process of making the bed, lime should be added to the soil to reduce the acidity of the soil which will help the plant to possess much calcium content during it growth. The soil temperature which ginger should be planted should not fall below 25°C (77°F) for optimal growth.

Ginger is a tropical plant and should be grown in a warm and sunny climatic condition, the soil condition should be a well-drained loamy soil which high organic content.

The soil pH for growing ginger should be between 6.0 and 6.5. It should be planted in regions with annual rainfall between 250cm to 300cm and in regions where irrigation system can be used. Therefore, ginger does not require much water where it is being cultivated.

Nutritious Content of Ginger

One gram of fresh ginger contains the following nutrients

  • Carbohydrate: The carbohydrate content in ginger weighs up to 1.07 grams
  • Protein: Ginger has a protein content which weighs up to 0.11 gram
  • Fats: It also contains 0.05 gram of fat.
  • Vitamins: The vitamins in ginger are; Vitamin B3, Vitamin B6, Vitamin C, Folate, Niacin, Riboflavin.
  • Sugar: The sugar content in ginger is 0.1 gram
  • Minerals: Ginger also contains various minerals which are beneficial to the body. They mineral contents present in ginger are; Zinc, Magnesium, Potassium, Phosphorus, Calcium.
  • Ginger also contains 4.8 calories of food


What are the Health Benefits of Ginger You Should Know

The health benefits of ginger include;

1. Digestive Function of Ginger: Ginger is very good when it comes to digestion of food in the body. Ginger helps in digestion by enhancing stomach bloating. It serves as a very good and effective antidote for chronic indigestion, It digestive functions extends to its ability to reduce stomach pains as well as nausea.

2. Balancing of Blood Sugar: This is one of the important health benefits of ginger to the human health. If you take up to 2 (two) grams of ginger daily for 12 (twelve) weeks, there is a tendency for low-level of hemoglobin A1-c, apoliproprotein B, apolipoprotein A – 1 and malondialdehye.

The body stores fat which the body burns down during thermogenesis. Ginger increases the rate of thermogenesis in the body which allows the body to burn the stored fat faster. This process helps to reduce the sugar level in the blood causing it to remain normal.

Ginger can be used to prevent diabetes because of it ability to balance the sugar level in the blood as well as the body system this is as a result of its anti-inflammatory properties. 

3. Muscle and Joint Pain Relief: Ginger helps to prevent joints and muscles pains. Joints problems such as ostheoarthritis can be controlled by the anti-inflammatory effect of ginger. Also the mixture of ginger, sesame oil and cinnamon helps to reduce the pains and stiffness caused by ostheoarthritis.

4. Treating of Menstrual Cramps: Ginger can also play a vital role in treating menstrual problems in women as well as ladies. Most woman use ibuprofens and mefenamic acids during menstrual pains. But ginger is a very good menstrual pain reliever too.

5. Ginger can also be used in treating of skin burns as a result of it anti-inflammatory properties.

6. Reduction of Cholesterol content: Cholesterol in the body such as lipoproteins can cause heart disease. Ginger helps to lower the level of the chemical substance called cholesterol in the body and in the blood triglycerides.

Read Also: Health Benefits of Garlic

Limitations, Health Risk and Side Effects of Ginger

  • Pregnant women should avoid taking much ginger. It is advised that they take a maximum o 1 (one) gram of ginger daily.
  • Higher doses of ginger can cause heart burn as a side effect
  • Ginger can also result in diarrhea if taken more than the required quantity.
  • Taking ginger in large amount can also result in light headedness

How To Prepare Ginger For Use

  • Grinding
  • Blending
  • Cut into small pieces ad boil
  • By grating

Steps for Preparation of Ginger

  • Use a grating board or blender and blend until it the liquid content is fully dissolved.
  • Use a sieve or net and separate the liquid from the residues.
  • While blending, you can add other additives like fruits.

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Uses of Ginger

  • Used as spices
  • As traditional medicines
  • Also used as additives

You can get already prepared Ginger Soup HERE

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