Postpill: Meaning, Uses & Side Effects
Postpill is a contraceptive pill that is use for birth control. Postpill is used to prevent pregnancy that occurs within 72hours.
Medical and scientific research have shown that postpill can be use as an emergency contraceptive in terminating and unwanted pregnancy. This hormonal pill does not affect fertility or instigate ectopic pregnancy.
What is Postpill
Postpill is a contraceptive pill that is an alternative plan for pregnancy control. I thas only one tablet and contains a vital single hormone known as levonorgestrel.
However, World Health Organisation (W.H.O.) gave guidelines and about usage of postpill for preventing pregnancy. The WHO recommends that taking one tablet of 1.5mg levonorgestrel like Postpill within 120 hours (5 days) after unprotected sex can gives a 57-95% chance of preventing uwanted pregnancy.
Levonorgestrel is a protein binding hormonal medication that is useful for birth controi method.
How Effective is Postpill?
If one takes this hormonal birth control pill within three days or appromimately 72hours of unprotected sexual intercourse, then the postpill can reduce the risk of pregnancy up to about 85 percent.
medical expert adviced that taking this within 24 hours of unprotected sex gives the best efficient and effective result. It is advisable to take this homonal postpill as pecscribe by a certified medical doctor.
This drug may have an adverse effect if not used properly according to medical prescription.
If this drug is taken as directed, it will automatically increase the chance of one not getting pregnant.
One should be very careful of the abuse of the use of this drug. Using this pill without proper medicall attention and pescription may lead to infertility which if not treated my culminate to barreness.
One should pay adequate attention to the doses.
How Does Postpill Work
I had mentioned earlier in this post that this contraceptive drug pill contains a birth controlling hormones known as the levonorgestrel.
What this hormones does is to prevent pregnancy by stopping the release of egg from the ovary so as to prevent fertilisation and implantation of fetus in the uterus.
However, research has shown that this might no be very effective for overweight women and hence, there is a need to consult a gyneacologist and other specialised medical personal for advised for such categories of women (Overweight)
Side Effects of Postpill
One should be very careful of the abuse of the use of this drug. Using this pill without proper medicall attention and pescription may lead to infertility which if not treated my culminate to barreness.
One should pay adequate attention to the correct doses and usage.
Some women may have changes in their period menstrual cycle ranging from lighter to heavy flow. However, if the side effect culminate to severe abdominal pain then, this might results into ectopic pregnancy.
The ectopic pregnancy otherwise called the extrauterine pregnancy occurs when the fertilised egg grows outside the women uterus. The most commonest sign of this pregnancy include: Light vaginal bleeding, sharp abdominal pains and cramps , vomiting , pains in one side of the body and many others.
This is so important that one should be careful with the use of pregnancy and birth control contraceptive.
Other pronounce side effect of this contraceptive are : tiredness, headache, dizziness, nausea , weight gain , irregular menstrual flow and many others.
These symptoms can be treated effectively with proper medication and early treatment.
How much is Postpill in Nigeria
This drug is found in patent stores, pharmaceutical companies, and hospitals especially in West African countries. In Nigeria, this hormonal control pill goes from five hundred to one thousand naira only.
It is worth mentioning that this contraceptive pills has the capacity to delay menstral cycles. Therefore, one should not feel panic if experiencing a delay in her menstrual cycle after taking the contraceptive pill.
In conclusion, we have been able to discuss extensively on Postpill, its advantages and disadvantages.
Remember to see your consultant in case of any complication after taking the pills. Always consult your doctor before taking any medication including this one.