
Longrich Cordyceps Militaris Capsules

Original price was: ₦57,500.00.Current price is: ₦55,800.00.


Longrich Cordyceps Militaris Capsules gives Powerful natural antibiotics For stroke patient, It increases oxygen supply to the brain, It increases sperm quality and production, It increases sex drive in people with low libido, It nourishes lungs and provides energy helps anti-aging people with liver diseases.

Cordyceps Militaris Longrich has been used to boost the immune system for years. In addition to helping to reduce the likelihood of catching something, once a person catches something, if his overall health and energy were good to start with, it is easier to get over or fight off an ailment. This product is for treating wide range of infection caused by bacteria e.g. tuberculosis, staphylococcus etc

By strengthening your lungs and kidney energy, your immune system is strengthened, according to Chinese medicine theory. If you strengthen your immune system with herbs, over time you should have fewer health problems.

Cordyceps is a deep immune tonic. It strengthens the deep immune system and makes it more able to produce immune complexes for the long term.

If you have an immune problem, especially if you have an auto-immune problem, please consider Leaky Gut. Leaky gut is when your intestinal wall is too thin and it allows undigested food into your bloodstream. Probiotics help to protect your intestinal wall so it is less likely to become leaky.

Longrich Cordyceps Militaris Capsules Benefits

Longrich Cordyceps Militaris is a powerful natural antibiotic used for treating a wide range of infections caused by bacteria, has a good number of interesting health benefits which includes:
It used for treating tuberculosis, staphylococcus, gonorrhea, syphilis, etc.
  • Cordyceps Militaris used for stroke patient
  • It used for treating impotence
  • Cordyceps Militaris improves the immune competence of human cell & good for HIV/AIDS patient
  • Lowers blood pressure & blood sugar
  • It also increase oxygen supply to brain
  • Cordyceps Militaris Longrich improves mental ability and tones the kidney
  • Increase Sperm Quality and production
  • Cordyceps Militaris increase the sex drive patient with low libido
  • Nourishes lungs and provides energy
  • Effective against cancerous tumor
  • Cordyceps Militaris protect biological response of human tissue
  • It strengthen heart, lungs & kidney
  • Strengthens anti-stress ability
  • It strengthen spleen, sinews, and joints
  • Cordyceps Militaris scavenge excessive free radical
  • Relieve cough & dry throat, alleviate aches caused by cold
  • Cordyceps Militaris improves the memory & support brain health
  • It promote radiant skin & keeps the skin soft
  • It can improve renal functions & can reduce the damage that toxic substance caused to the kidney
  • Promote the composing of immune-globins of blood serum
  • It adjust material transmitting between cells
  • Longrich Cordyceps Militaris protect biological response of human tissue

Dosage of longrich cordyceps militaris capsule

Below is the suggested dosage of Cordyceps Militaris Longrich

3 g/day fermented in tea

1050 mg extract two to three times daily

Standardized to 0.14% adenosine


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