41 Top Affordable Longrich Products and their uses
In this post, you are going to learn about all available Longrich Products and their uses/benefits and also the prices of each Longrich products; both member price and retail prices.
Longrich is a manufacturing company which is present in over a hundred countries around the world. It is a multi-level marketing company which has worked its way up to being ranked the 42nd multi-level marketing platform in the world and number one in Nigeria.
Longrich manufactures a wide range of products some of which are toothpastes, bathing soaps, green tea, mosquito repellents, hand cream, sanitary napkins, panty liners, natural antibiotics, cooking pots and many other skin care products
Are you looking for where you can get all your Longrich products online without much stress? Kindy Stores offers a wide range of Long rich products such as toothpastes, mosquito repellent sprays, Long rich alkaline energy cups, fertility supplements, health and fitness supplements and many more.
So let’s look at each of the longrich products and explain the benefits of each of the products in this article
To buy any of Longrich Products, chat the Admin by clicking HERE
The health care products include; cordyceps militaris capsules, cordyceps coffee, healthy wine, arthro superiviver, berry oil, vitamin drink, libao capsules, calcium tablet, green and brown tea, slimming tea, black ginger, black tea and tremella.
1. Cordyceps Militaris Capsules
Longrich Cordyceps Militaris, is a powerful natural antibiotic used for treating a wide range of infections caused by bacteria such as tuberculosis and staphylococcus.
Read more and order Cordyceps Militaris Capsules Now
- Relieves coughs and dry colds and alleviates aches caused by cold
- Provides essential support for healthy functioning of the brain and helps to calm the mind
- It improves memory and supports brain health
- Nourishes lungs and provides energy
- Strengthens ability to handle stress
- Powerful natural antibiotic
- It increases oxygen supply to the brain thereby helping you to remain vibrant and energetic
- It also improves mental ability.
- Can release pressure from body and scavenge excessive free radicals.
2. Longrich Vintage Wine
Longrich Vintage Wine offers you the sophistication of a vintage Liquor. which has is not only for pleasure and relaxation but as well as health benefit. It is suitable for people who need extra immunity boost. It aids treatment for bladder infection, cholera, convulsion and much more.
- Longrich Vintage wine enhances sexual performance by boosting libido for both Men and Women.
- Prevent Premature Ejaculation in Men
- Boost Sperm Production in Men
- It enhances both men and women Sexual desire and Drive
- Reduce Body pain and Menstrual Cramp
- Treat Impotency and weak erection
- Help to reduce belly fat
- Powerful body Detoxification and Immune Booster
3. Militaris Coffee
Longrich Cordyceps Militaris Coffee contains all essential 18 amino acids, Vitamin E, Vitamin B1, B2, B12, polysacharides, proteins, sterols, nucleosides, macro and micro element.
Click Here to buy Cordyceps Militaris Coffee. It contains 20 sachets in one pack
- Can be taken for weakness and fatigue.
- It allows you to increase energy while recovering from a serious illness.
- Good for convulsion in children and can be used to reduce epilepsy attack.
- Reduces cholesterol.
- Helps to promote healthy cardiovascular health.
- Increases sperm production and quality.
- Increases sex drive in a patient with low libido.
- Can be used in treating chronic bronchitis, asthma, tuberculosis and other diseases of the respiratory system.
4. Longrich Arthro SupReviver
Longrich Arthro SupReviver enhances immunity and strengthens bones. It contains chondroitin sulphate and glucosamine hydrochloride which are effective in the treatment of osteoarthritis and osteoporosis (weak bones).
Click Here to buy Longrich Supreviver. It contains 60 capsules in a bottle.
- It hinders the production of enzymes that cause cartilage damage and help prevent osteoarthritis and osteoporosis (weak bones).
- It is a health food whose main ingredients are chondroitin sulfate and glucosamine hydrochloride, which play an important role in the growth and repair of articular cartilage.
- It is combined with ginger extract and green tea extract making it highly effective, and without any side effects, in anti-inflammatory pain relief.
- Relieves joint pain and swelling.
- Also good for rheumatism.
- Helps in reviving bone functions in stroke patients.
Longrich Products and their uses contd
5. Vitamin Drink (Cordyceps Militaris & Black Ginger)
It contains vitamins that the body system needs for the proper functioning. it is specially brewed to ensure it meets the supplements need of vitamins in the body which automatically yields a balance and proper functioning immune system.
- Contains body needed vitamins for healthy growth and proper body functioning
- Extremely low alcoholic Content
- Helps Maintain a functioning and balanced immune system
- Increases Vitality
- Increases energy
- Increases Sensitivity
More on: Longrich Products and their Uses
6. Mengqian Capsules for Fertility, Women
Click HERE to by the capsules for female fertility and Hormonal Imbalance
This product is specially for women who desire to improve their hormonal imbalance (especially during menopause) and fertility problems or those looking to get pregnant.
- Effective for female infertility
- Helps prepare women bodies to conceive and carry pregnancy to term
- Boost female immune system
- It reats hormonal imbalance
- Delays aging
- Reduces stress and could treat insomnia
- Clears patches on skin and lightens uneven skin tone
- Clears pimples & regulates the nervous system and body metabolism
Longrich Products and their Uses contd
7. Libao (Male) Capsules: Male Fertility Supplement
Libao is a Male Fertility Supplement that is good for correcting and treating fertility problems in men.
Click HERE to buy Longrich Libao Capsules
- The capsule improves men sexual performance.
- Suitable for men with low immunity and those who gets tired easily.
- It helps to prevent sperm ageing in men.
- Also can penetrates the bone to expel pathogenic wind.
- Eliminates fatigue and Improves sleep.
- It slows down aging and weakening of the body which ensures good health and longevity.
- Can correct and treat fertility problem in men and down syndrome.
- It travels everywhere in the body, outward to the skin and inward to the viscera.
8. Calcium Tablet
Longrich Chewable Calcium Tablets is a good health product that provides the body cells with energy & building blocks that they use for healing and reproduction.
Click Here to buy Longrich Calcium Tablets
- Research shows it lowers the risk of having high blood pressure and stroke.
- Prevent damage from environmental toxins because it has antioxidant properties.
- Helps to prevent osteoporosis in adults.
- Women use it during menstruation to replace the lost calcium.
- Helps build strong bones and teeth.
- Helps prevent Osteoporosis and other bone diseases.
9. Berry Oil
To know more about Longrich Products and their Uses, let us explain the benefits of Longrich Berry Oil
Longrich Berry Oil protects kidney from chemical Damage. it is suitable for people suffering from cardiovascular diseases, menopause, menstrual pain and virginal inflammations. It’s anti-aging supplement
- This product makes you look younger , promotes skin and hair, protects against toxins such as air pollution, premenstrual syndrome, eye disorder such as cataracts, neurological diseases such as Alzheimer disease and diabetes.
- Protects the heart, kidney, and liver.
- It boosts immunity
- Contains Omega 3, 6, 7, and 9 fatty acids.
- It has a whole lot of rich micro nutrients.
10. Xinchang (Green) Tea
LONGRICH Xinchang green tea is very helpful because It is loaded with antioxidants and nutrients that have powerful effects on the body. This includes improved brain function, fat loss, a lower risk of cancer, it is good for the liver, stomach, a good detoxify, it purifies the blood
Click HERE to buy Longrich Green Tea
- Treats piles
- It treats jaundice
- Helps tackle kidney disorder
- It helps in weight loss
- Treats urinary disorder
- It can lower blood pressure
- Helpful in treating poor appetite and diarrhea
- Regular intake prevents chances of colon cancer
11. Longrich (Tianjiang) Brown Tea
- It detoxifies the body, also appropriate for diabetics & depression
- Boosts Immune System, good weight management and belly fat reduction & relieves constipation.
- Regular Blood Pressure.
- Improves metabolism and burns fats.
- Improves quality of sleep and cleans excessive cholesterol from the body., among other benefits.
12. Slimming Tea
Slimming Tea helps on to loss weight – (15 bags). It works to intensify level of fat oxidation and the rate at which your body turns food into calories. The tea helps to regulate glucose levels showing the rise of blood sugar after eating, this can prevent high insulin spikes and take care of heart disease.
Click Here to buy the Slimming Tea
Benefits of Pink slimming tea
- Reduces risk of various types of cancer.
- Protects the brain in old age.
- It aids weight management.
- Increases fat burning and improves physical performance.
- It improves brain function.
- It lowers risk of cardiovascular diseases
13. Cordyceps and Black Ginger
Cordyceps militaris and black ginger is a supplement capsules (with black ginger, beta glucan and arginine) . It improves immune competence of human cell and purely natural. It increases oxygen supply to the brain thereby helping you to remain vibrant and energetic.
- It produces male strength and give you stamina and durability in sexual intercourse
- Corrects poor erection and premature ejaculation.
- Makes one to last longer in bed
- Also maintains blood sugar levels. Increases oxygen uptake in cells. Supports immune systems.
- Boosts energy Support kidney functions.
- Support liver functions. Improves respiratory functions.
- It may help reduce complications associated with some cancer treatments.
- Can promotes healthy joints & protects your kidney and liver.
14. Black Tea and Tremella Drink
Black tea: Lower blood lipids, regulate fat metabolism and promote digestion
Tremella: Acidic polysaccharide is the active substance to reduce fat and lose weight
Contents: 30 sachets a pack
- Pure and natural Special exclusive compound formulation
- High-tech concentrated extraction
- Rapid weight loss without yo-yo effect
- Removes fat but does not remove body fluid and does not promote water loss
- Safe without side effects
Longrich Products and their Uses/Benefits: Personal Care Series
Longrich Products also include personal care items like toothpaste, mouth freshner, body wash, charcool soap, moisquito repellent, face cream and body cream, shampoo and conditioner etc
15. Toothpaste
- Flouride-free, rich in white tea, xylitol and aloe vera gel.
- It reats bleeding gum, gingivitis and periodontitis
- Also relieves toothache and prevents tartar
- Reduces sensitivity
- Deep cleansing
- Whitening
- Protects teeth from decay
15. Mouth Freshener
Contains white tea, peppermint oil and menthol essence
Protects oral health
Relieves sore throat and cough, especially in children
Relieves asthmatic symptoms
Stimulates appetite
16. Bamboo Charcoal Soap
Key ingredients and benefits include:
Bamboo carbon to absorb micro dirt and exfoliate
Coconut oil to lock in moisture
Removes excess skin oil effectively
Clears warts, acne, black heads and scars
For neutral and oily skin
17. Herbal Moisturizing Body Wash
Suitable for all skin types, best for sensitive skin
Rich in aloe vera plant essence, liquorice, green tea and vitamins
Fresh elegant fragrant herbs
Deep moisturizer
18. SOD Face Cream
Contains sheep placenta and superoxide dismutase (SOD)
Removes skin scars and blemishes, including stretch marks
Repairs damaged skin and restores natural complexion
Suitable for the entire family
For all skin types, especially sensitive skin
Treats all skin conditions
19. Mosquito Repellent
Repels mosquito for up to 8 hours
Fresh and fragrant citrus aroma with musk incense
No chemicals, made only from fruits and flowers
20. Shampoo and Conditioner 2-in-1
Contains Eggshell Membrane Protein (EMP) for hair growth
Contains ZPT, world’s number one anti-dandruff ingredient
Leaves hair soft and silky
Suitable for all kinds of hair, perfect for natural hair
Repairs damaged hair
21. White Tea Dandruff Control Shampoo
Active ingredient ZPT designed to relieve dandruff symptoms
Contains white tea polyphenols: prevent damage to hair due to oxidation
22. Antiperspirant Dew
Rolling ball design, easy to use
Strong deodorant
Does not block sweat pores
Protects from underarm and breast cancer
23. Hand Cream
Guaranteed to soften your palms with nice fragrance
Rich in proteins and vitamins
Sanitizes and treats hand allergies
24. Snake Oil
Longrich products also include are day to day usage ie the sanitary pads and panty liners. These are anion pads and lines, they help treat infections like itchy vagina etc
25. Sanitary Napkins (Pads)
Made of 100% cotton, contains anion strip, air-permeable, comfortable and heavily absorbent. Benefits include:
Treats painful periods
Prevents itching during or after menses
Eliminates Odour
Maintains the vaginal pH
Prevents cervical/vaginal cancer
26. Panty Liner
Made of 100% cotton, contains anion strip, air-permeable and comfortable. Benefits include:
Prevents and treats all forms of infections including STDs
Treats painful periods
Treats Men’s prostate conditions and haemorrhoids
Takes care of most gynaecological issues (including fibroids)
It keeps underwear dry and free of daily moisture
Enhances immunity
Relieves Stress
Anti-inflammatory: treats boils and relieves pains of inflammatory nature
Longrich Products cover artemisin brand of products, they include artemisin men and women deodorant, artemisin toothpaste, mouth wash, hand soap, body wash, shampoo and conditioner, laundry detergent and soap, all containing artemisin ingredients.
Now let’s look at each of these artemisin Longrich products and explain their benefits
27. Artemisin Men Deodorant
Longrich Artemisin Men Deodorant (Dynamic zest) has soft-textured formula with great skin affinity, anti-stain, rolling ball design, gently refreshes with a long-lasting fresh scent, does not block sweat pores, and contains Artemisia annua extracts.

Benefits of Longrich Artemisin Men Deodorant
- Soft-textured formula with great skin affinity
- Anti-stain with rolling ball design
- Gently refreshes with a long-lasting fresh scent
- Does not block sweat pores and allows your underarm breath
- Contains Artemisia annua extracts
28. Artemisin Women Deodorant
Longrich Artemisin Women Deodorant (Alluring Aura) has soft-textured formula with great skin affinity, anti-stain, rolling ball design, gently refreshes with a long-lasting fresh scent, does not block sweat pores, and contains Artemisia annua extracts.
29. Artemisin Toothpaste
Artemisin Multi-effect Total Protection Toothpaste is a multi-effect total protection toothpaste. It contains premium herbal extracts. It eliminates oral inflammation. It protects the gums.
- Eliminate oral inflammation
- Deep clean
- It’s an Anti bacterial
- Protect and reinforce the fun
30. Artemisin Mouthwash
Longrich Antemisin Multi-action Total Care Mouth wash cleanses mouth and freshens breath. It is one of Longrich Products
- Cleanses mouth and freshens breath
- 24hours fresh breath
- 473ml Helps prevent cavities
- Restores minerals to enamel
- Kills bad breath germs
- Cleans the whole mouth
- Freshens breath & long lasting
31. Longrich Artemisin Hand Soap
Artemisin Moisturizing Protection Hand soap leaves your hands hygienically clean and soft.
Its mild formulation removes harmful bacteria as you wash and leaves your hands feeling clean and fresh day after day.
- Hand moisturizing protection
- Helps to stop the spread of germs throughout your home.
- Kills 99.9% of bacteria and viruses.
- Contains moisturizing ingredients to leave your hands feeling soft and cleansed.
Now lets continue reading about Longrich Products and their Uses as we list and explain the benefits of the Energy series products. Longrich energy products include; energy shoes of different sizes, energy cooking pots and energy diapers etc
32. Alkaline Cup
33. Longrich Products: Energy Shoes
A-Plus Energy Shoe is the First Human Power Bank. It stimulates blood circulation and all internal organs to a natural healing.
It comes with embedded magnetic energy to improve health for men, women and elderly people.
It’s a miracle shoe for elders: Perfect for stroke patient and other age related issues.
It also has different sizes for both male and female. Sizes for Female are (43,42,41,40,39,38,37) for Men are (48,47,46,45,44,43,42,41). Female shoes are different in shape from the men’s type.
Lastly, it balances and aligns all the angle of the bones and cures joint problem.
34. Longrich Energy Pan (Energy Pot)
The Classy Style Energy Pot comes in 2 sizes that is 24cm and 28cm
It is made from the finest Titanium steel as against the conventional Aluminuim that causes cancer
Regulates the amount of heat energy that enters the pot while cooking thereby retaining up to 85% of the food nutritional value after cooking
Vegetables retain it’s original colour and taste. The Soup you cook in the pot is clear, tastes fresh and the bottom of the pot does not paste (non-sticky).
The resonance from the cover and the earthen base of the pot creates anion environment, hence purifying and Alkalinizing water boiled with it, which can take care of any skin infection.
Fruits and Veggies kept in pot remains FRESH even after 3 days.
35. Longrich Products: Energy Necklace
Longrich Energy necklace works like the energy shoes. After about 30 years of research,Longrich manufactured the energy shoes and energy necklace using the most recent technology: Nanotechnology! Natural roots, scents and raw materials used for aromatherapy and acupuncture (such as lilac and sandal wood) are embedded in these products.
Human power bank- Energizes
Repels radiation (far-infrared)
Improves immunity
Stimulates and enhances blood circulation
Relieves pains
Treats cervical/lumbar spondylosis with prolonged use
Restores posture
Boosts sexual performance
Eliminates fatigue
36. Power Bank
37. Longrich Energy Baby Diapers
Longrich energy baby diapers contains premium super absorbent polymer (SAP) for faster absorption.
It has comfy waistband fastener: Premium fastener to protect baby skin.
Curvy design to fit baby bum and prevent bowlegs.
Has netted Composite core material to prevent loss of shape.
Very comfortable, it prevents and kills 99% bacteria breathable, clear rashes.
38. Longrich Baby Cream
Longrich Baby cream soothes and blends with baby skin in a natural way. This help to protect the skin from infectious skin diseases like rashes and heat related skin condition.
39. Longrich baby shampoo and body wash
40. Longrich Heat Powder
Is made using natural corn extract. The Long Baby Powder is non-sticky and is safe to use on babies. The baby powder leaves your baby feeling fresh and comfortable.
Benefits on Longrich Baby Powder
- Formulated with mild plant starch
- Contains plant essence
- Clears prickly heat and itch
- Eliminates sweat odor
- Cool and refreshing
Click Here to buy Heat Powder
41. Rejuvenating Body Lotion
This dual nourishing Lotion which contains Snake Collagen and Cereal Extract. Snake Collagen helps to replenish
the skin’s diminishing collagen hence taking care of wrinkling and sagging while Cereal Extract with its antioxidant effect helps improve the total health of your skin.
Below are the Longrich Products and Prices for 2021
S/N | Longrich Products | Unit Price | Retail Price |
1. | Cordyceps Militaris | 45,900 | 52,800 |
2. | Cordyceps Militaris Coffee | 2900 | 3300 |
3. | Calcium Tablets | 6500 | 7500 |
4. | Longrich Wine | 10000 | 12000 |
5. | Vitamin Drink | 1500 | 1700 |
6. | Arthro Supreviver | 12000 | 13800 |
7. | Mengqian (Female) | 14000 | 16000 |
8. | Libao (Male) | 14500 | 16700 |
9. | Berry Oil (Shaji) | 18000 | 20700 |
10. | Xinchang (Green) Tea | 3700 | 4300 |
11. | Tianjiang (Brown) Tea | 3700 | 4300 |
12. | Slimming Tea | 3700 | 4300 |
13. | Black Ginger | 33900 | 38900 |
14. | Black Tea and Tremella | 11900 | 13700 |
15. | Body Wash | 4100 | 4700 |
16. | Mosquito Repellent | 2700 | 3000 |
17. | Bamboo Soap | 3400 | 3900 |
18. | Mouth Freshener | 1500 | 1700 |
19. | Toothpaste (100g) | 1300 | 1500 |
20. | Toothpaste (200g) | 2400 | 2750 |
21. | Hand Cream | 2300 | 2650 |
22. | Body Cream (SOD Milk) | 2800 | 3200 |
23. | Antiperspirant Dew | 2100 | 2400 |
24. | Shampoo | 4000 | 4600 |
25. | White Tea Shampoo | 2800 | 3200 |
26. | Baby Cream | 2200 | 2500 |
27. | Baby Shampoo & Body Wash | 3900 | 4500 |
28. | Heat Powder | 3900 | 4500 |
29. | Rejuvenating Body Lotion | 2900 | 3300 |
30. | Snake Oil No.1 | 1800 | 2000 |
31. | Artemisin Men Deodorant | 1500 | 1750 |
32. | Artemisin Women Deodorant | 1500 | 1750 |
33. | Artemisin Toothpaste (120g) | 1000 | 1150 |
34. | Artemisin Toothpaste (200g) | 1500 | 1750 |
35. | Artemisin Mouth Wash | 1900 | 2200 |
36. | Artemisin Hand Soap | 1900 | 2200 |
37. | Artemisin Body Wash | 1900 | 2200 |
38. | Artemisin Shampoo | 2200 | 2500 |
39. | Artemisin Conditioner | 2200 | 2500 |
40. | Artemisin Laundry Detergent | 4900 | 5600 |
41. | Artemisin Laundry Soap | 900 | 1000 |
42. | Artemisin Nourishing Soap | 900 | 1000 |
43. | Aplus Energy Shoes (Women) | 327000 | 376000 |
44. | Aplus Energy Shoes (Men) | 403000 | 463500 |
45. | Cup Filter | 8600 | 9900 |
46. | Fujian Cup | 29900 | 34400 |
47. | Energy Pan (24cm) | 113500 | 130500 |
48. | Energy Pan (28cm) | 118500 | 136300 |
49. | Energy Necklace (Female) | 137000 | 157500 |
50. | Energy Necklace (Male) | 137000 | 157500 |
51. | Sanitary Napkin (Night Use) | 31500 | 36200 |
52. | Panty Liner | 31500 | 36200 |
53. | Sanitary Napkin (4in1) | 34500 | 39700 |
54. | Energy Baby Diapers (S) | 5600 | 6500 |
55. | Energy Baby Diapers (M) | 5600 | 6500 |
56. | Energy Baby Diapers (L) | 5600 | 6500 |
57. | Energy Baby Diapers (XL) | 5600 | 6500 |
58. | Nutri-V-Rich Blue | 55000 | 63200 |
59. | Nutri-V-Rich Pink | 55000 | 63200 |
60. | VIP Combo 2 | 249000 | 286400 |
61. | Platinum Combo 2 | 113000 | 130000 |
62. | Mini Combo 2 | 21000 | 24000 |
63. | Starter Combo 3 | 14000 | 16000 |
64. | Starter Combo | 14000 | 16000 |
65. | Hand Sanitizer | 1600 | 1850 |
66. | Fast Rich Pack A | 57000 | 65500 |
67. | Fast Rich Pack B | 115000 | 132200 |
68. | Fast Rich Pack C | 115000 | 132200 |
69. | Travel Pack | 2200 | 2500 |
70. | Power Bank | 11500 | 13200 |
71. | Evergreen (120ml) | 69000 | 79400 |
72. | Evergreen Facial Mask | 17000 | 19500 |
73. | Demo Kit | 4800 | 5500 |
74. | Seed Box | 5700 | 6500 |
75. | Test Pass Gadget | 500 | 600 |
76. | Water Tester | 350 | 400 |
77. | Syringe | 400 | 450 |
78. | Indicator | 200 | 230 |
79. | Registration Form | 1600 | 1850 |
80. | Product Form | 1600 | 1850 |